

  1. The startup period began in 2008 when, at the recommendation of a friend, I moved my blog from Niuboo to the WordPress platform, thus starting my journey as an independent blogger. During this time, I mainly posted reflections on college life and learning experiences. However, due to my more left-leaning thoughts during my student days, much of it is now unreadable, so during one move, most of the content was deleted.
  2. The neglect period started when I first entered the workforce. Due to reasons like youthful energy and the “capable ones should work more” mindset, I rarely updated my blog. I was mainly occupied with trying out different hosting services and platforms. I changed domains and hosts numerous times, and even used “Train Head” to collect many mindless articles. The number of articles increased, the database grew larger, but the content I wrote myself became less and less.
  3. The transformation period began in 2014 when domestic internet regulation intensified suddenly. Faced with constant notifications of violating links from Alibaba Cloud, I found it unbearable. Many common words and phrases were deemed inappropriate, leaving me at a loss. Combined with the unstable access to WordPress.org, I decided to migrate my blog to Typecho and make it entirely English. However, since domestic internet bandwidth was still limited at the time, and I often saw friends’ domains turning “yellow,” I decided to keep the hosting on Alibaba Cloud.
  4. The relocation period was around 2016. After transitioning to an English blog, my English proficiency was still limited, so I just casually posted images and wrote a few sentences as updates, without caring about the number of visitors. After all, Google PR ranking was canceled in 2016, the mobile internet was on the rise, and few people continued to visit web pages. I considered maintaining a 1ip blog just as a keepsake, so I started experimenting with free foreign hosting spaces. To adapt to the small database limits of the free space, I deleted another batch of previous fragmented content and some irrelevant stuff.
  5. The reconstruction period followed the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020. With more personal leisure time, and introduced by a friend, I joined the MJJ ranks and became more and more involved in blogging. At its peak, I had a bunch of various low-cost VPS. I would just randomly pick a VPS to host the blog without much management. During this period, I also tried multiple solutions like Hexo Hugo, but I ended up just tinkering with the website framework itself and neglecting writing.
  6. The finalization period came in 2023, when I was approaching 35 years old, an age when people in many industries start thinking about retirement. I restructured the blog, thinking that this would be the final form to play with, and I was too lazy to tinker with the website itself anymore. Currently, it’s divided into two parts: one is an English blog as the main publication platform, using my daughter’s name as the domain, hoping to bring some inspiration to her future life and learning experiences; the other in github page, using my university’s name as the domain, where I synchronize and publish some Chinese pages, sort of carrying the idea of more than 10 years of tinkering.


All textual works on this website are protected by copyright, and the authors reserve all rights. The photos used on this website, unless specifically stated, are subject to the CC BY-NC-ND 4.0 license.


This website is running on an ARM architecture server equipped with the Ubuntu system, located in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia. It operates with the PHP OpenResty MYSQL runtime environment, uses the WordPress program, and employs the Hueman theme. Here, I extend my gratitude to all the open-source contributors who power this with their passion!

This blog is configured to use Cloudflare’s CDN service by default. It is normal to experience occasional slow access speeds in certain regions, including mainland China.