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The relationship between work, study, life and BlackBerry

Since I started using BlackBerry in 2007, I can be regarded as a relatively experienced BlackBerry user in China.

I have always been a player who prefers to play with emerging electronic products, but since the moment I bought a second-hand 7290 at a low price in 2007 due to the explosion of various cups, all this seems to be quietly changing.

A more appropriate description would be: “Since using the BlackBerry, I don’t play with my mobile phone very much, which naturally improves the work efficiency of other activities.”

Of course, getting this description is not fabricated out of thin air, but an epiphany when RT other people’s content.

In particular, the following push is very real. Since I have used BlackBerry, if I talk about mobile phones, I will basically start with applications such as information communication and email. Compared with other platforms, games and entertainment functions are almost not too Many people care.

Another important factor is what I read in “New Weekly”:

Xie Guorui, President of RIM (Blackberry) ChinaAccording to the slow development of BlackBerry in China these years and the frantic growth of Apple, it is concluded that:Young people use blackberries to appear mature, and “older business leaders” use apples to appear tender.He extended the reason why young people like to use BlackBerry as: “Workhard, playhard, to be a leader”. This is the slogan he made up for BlackBerry in China.

So how relevant is Blackberry to work, study and life?

From my personal experience (I am not a white-collar worker at present, and it is rare for companies to open BES services. I just look at this issue from the role of a student or just entering the society),The biggest contribution of BlackBerry to work and study is that most people will not always play games or toss about things that don’t make much sense with their BlackBerry phones.BlackBerry plays a diligent tool role in users’ lives. Most of its applications are based on improving work and study efficiency.

For example, in the course of my university studies, the translation and interpretation of various words, the direct reading of DOC/PDF files, mobile phone text reading and web browsing are the most core applications, and BlackBerry can often do all these tasks. And let me realize the needs of these information acquisitions in the best or fastest way. I don’t deny that other mobile phones can also implement similar applications, butWith the advantages of its full keyboard and various shortcut keys, BlackBerry brings these tools into full play to a very high level.You can set any program in the BlackBerry to the shortcut key to realize the most convenient tool operation.

As a relatively closed smart operating platform, BlackBerry has obvious security and stability. For me, stability is the first to bear the brunt. In the course of many years of use, there is almost no impression of the phone crashing. The only unpleasant experience occurred in a very small number of domestic imperfect programs, which will cause the program itself to crash. This is undoubtedly due to the powerful “virtual machine” running of Blackberry ability. I don’t know if this is an appropriate description, in my impression,BlackBerry’s software platform is like a “virtual machine” like a “sandbox”, all third-party programs are running in such a “box”, even if the program in the box goes wrong, it will not affect the background system that operates the box. Coupled with BlackBerry’s own powerful multitasking and extremely powerful engineering mode, it can be said that the daily application of 99.99% will be based on a fairly stable state, unless the immature deletion of system files has caused problems.

blackberrymultitaskingIt is quite beneficial for daily work, because I never need to worry about the loss of previous work or other adverse consequences when a new task is not finished.testKeeping the phone running smoothly by running 57 mainstream applications on the BlackBerry 9700 at the same time is the best proof. Under normal circumstances, it is very common for individuals to use mobile phones to run 10-15 programs in the background at the same time, and itsFast switching between programsAlso commendable.

As the originator and model of the full keyboard,The effect of blackberry on text inputIn terms of technology, it has always been the leader in the industry. Although some models did not support Chinese input very well in the early days (especially the sad 7130 series), after the 5.0 system, the convenience of built-in Chinese pinyin input has been significantly improved. Of course , if you use Wubi, it is self-evident. There was a huge post with detailsCompareI have passed the BlackBerry 8900 and E72, and I can say about the input of the mobile phonewatch here. It can be said that in terms of text input, BlackBerry has achieved the top position in the entire industry. It only needs a little familiarity with the input rules of BlackBerry to quickly experience the input pleasure similar to that of a PC keyboard. This is undoubtedly an important way to improve work efficiency.

Mail, as an application that has been neglected by most Chinese for a long time, may be used as a substitute for occasional reading or when QQ is not enough to transmit so much information offline. But as a user who uses BlackBerry, in any case, he will gradually change his habits to adapt to the email life. For example, I do everything possible to search for various solutions to use mail to perform many originally complicated operations. For example, update blogs, microblogs, and website information by email, or use email to chat or communicate with others in depth.There is no doubt that in the field of mobile phone mail transmission, BlackBerry is the first in the entire industry, Even mobile phones such as Nokia, Motorola or Samsung have to purchase BlackBerry’s application technology authorization in the field of mail applications.Using email to update Wordpress and Weibo, and using email to subscribe to a variety of rich professional information is one of my favorite BlackBerry applications.Of course, I don’t rule out that other mobile phones can do the same, but there is no doubt that BlackBerry is the best. (I have to mention Berrymail here. As a non-profit email service, Titto and others have made outstanding contributions to domestic users who have not opened BIS/BES.)

Regarding software application, whether it can improve the efficiency of work and study is mainly reflected in the details. At the beginning, I was quite disdainful of the software/apps that come with BlackBerry. I always thought that the built-in schedule management, browser, notepad, alarm, automatic switch, and scene mode were too simple and poor. But after playing all kinds of applications, I found out that in fact, the built-in applications of BlackBerry, such as schedule management, although I was not used to it at the beginning, I always made mistakes in the time judgment, but after a period of time I got used to it. , I found that the schedule management thing is so useful, without it, I really don’t know that my Thunder offline file will expire on Wednesday afternoon this week, and Thursday is my grandma’s birthday, these rather trivial events in life and work. This is like the lethality of Itunes on Ipod users. When Apple users have to use itunes for music management, they all find that they can no longer do without Apple’s services, because the cost of transferring to other platforms is no longer a cost. For such a simple thing as software or hardware products, I have had this beforementionedPass.BlackBerry’s built-in software applications, like the color of Facebook’s Logo, have a universal effect. It does not pursue uniqueness, but tries to design for users from a universal perspective.

Another example is the automatic switch setting. I once thought that I needed a highly liberal control software that can automatically shut down at 11:00 on Monday night, turn on at 7:00 on Tuesday morning, turn off at 12:30 on Tuesday night, and turn on at 9:00 on Wednesday morning. Of course, there are many such software, but unfortunately after using it for a while, I found that I don’t need this kind of service at all. Procedural deficiencies. In order to find fault with a piece of software, I actually forced myself to live an irregular life. Such absurd things actually happen often in life. When you fully perceive that your behavior is outrageous, it is the time to improve your life experience. Similarly, on the alarm clock, I also had this ridiculous idea. In fact, the BlackBerry alarm clock with systems above 5.0 is an extremely user-friendly product. The thoughtful pillow mode and exquisite UI design, rich functions and almost ubiquitous screen saver display are undoubtedly the development history of BlackBerry OS. a new height in .

Blackberry rarely entertains software/games, during my years of use, the entertainment game software that has been kept the longest is Nintaii (it seems to be cleared shortly after installation, but it is always installed on the mobile phone), Escape (not cleared so far) and Sudoku (now basically brushing records ) These three intellectual games almost accompany me most of the toilet time.

Game performance is the first factor for many young people to consider buying a mobile phone, but it is a pity that BlackBerry does not have as rich game resources as other platforms, which is directly related to its mobile phone user positioning.As a sign of business people/young people pretending to be mature, how decent is it if you still play games with your mobile phone all day long?Games are undoubtedly the factor that reduces productivity the most. Many of the high-quality games on the BlackBerry are related to intelligence, such as the above escape.

PS: Originally, I planned to write some things about my work and study in this article, but I don’t know how to write it as Blackberry, FML

When it comes to mobile phones and work and life, many people can’t help but think that their ownThe mobile phone must match your identity.How decent is it for a business person to shuttle between high-end office buildings with a three-card, three-standby counterfeit computer all day long?

The brand is the first, and the style is the second. Of course, there is no need to say more about the brand of the BlackBerry. As for the appearance of the BlackBerry, different people have different opinions.

Every time BlackBerry releases the so-called “spy photos” of a new model, people can’t help but want to scold their mother, why such an ugly thing came out again, but often as long as they see the real thing, they can’t help but marvel, it turns out that this TM is "" seeing is believing"! Perhaps for the first time, with Oriental wisdom,Blackberries are really ugly, especially when I first got the 7290, it was just a calculator with a larger screen, or an electronic dictionary like Wenquxing, which can be carried around the street all day?

When my 7290 broke down from the 4th floor, I bought the 7130, which looks less maverick Sure-type keyboard model (left), the key layout is similar to the familiar T9 key ( right).

But this BlackBerry, no matter how you look at it, it feels awkward~ Not to mention, the sales of BlackBerry with this key position are quite low.A BlackBerry without a full keyboard is like a kite with broken wings, without the ability to travel the world.

Cool appearance, is an important factor for many people to choose BlackBerry. It is generous and stable, which is in line with the psychological orientation of this group of people. It is a bit similar to the early Thinkpad. Therefore, BlackBerry is sometimes affectionately called “Little Black” by users just like Thinkpad.

In terms of hardware, it must be mentioned thatblackberry screen, That was a shocking cry. In the market, there are basically no manufacturers who claim that their mobile phones only support 65,000 color screens, and this is one of the reasons why many users are hesitant when looking at the hardware specifications of BlackBerry. You are too outdated. Nokia launched a 260,000-color screen N years ago, and now 16 million colors are very popular. You are still wandering around with 65,000 colors… It’s a pity that these people should have never experienced BlackBerry. The real phone, BlackBerry’s 65,000-color screen, basically surpasses other brands of mobile phones with the same level of resolution. For example, very few mobile phones can be viewed normally under the midday sun, but BlackBerry’s screen has always been able to do this (reflective screens such as 7290 needless to say, the stronger the external light, the clearer the view).

blackberry platformThe pressure on the hardware should be relatively smallYes, its applications and systems are not as resource-intensive as android or iphone. For example, I am using an 8900. From the engineering mode, I can see that the running memory (RAM) is only more than 30 MB, but it can still run many programs smoothly at the same time. , As for some newer models, the running ability of the BlackBerry program is even better.

When I write here, it has nothing to do with life in general, and I digress quite far. I’ll stop here and talk about it next time.

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