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Is Yu Qiuyu's MOB THOERY wrong?

Recently, there has been a little more content about Yu Qiuyu on Weibo, among which the following two are more representative:

[Yu Qiuyu publishes “Mob Theory”: “Everyone who attacked me worshiped me”] Yu Qiuyu published a new book saying that attacking others for no reason is a sin. Those mobs who really lack morality use celebrities to complete their spiritual compensation. They will have criminal impulses when they see wealth, sex, and power, but because they have nowhere to vent their criminal impulses, they can only reluctantly sustenance by framing celebrities. Chinese celebrities must undertake psychological projection obligations for these people.

Yu Qiuyu said that after six years of reflection and in-depth research on Chinese society, he finally discovered that China’s problem is not a problem of tyranny, but a problem of the mob. It was the mob that launched the Cultural Revolution. public opinion. Because there are too many mobs in this nation, there are continuous earthquakes, floods, gangsters, Tang Fuzhen set himself on fire, and Zhao Zuohai reversed the case.

This is already the Nth time I have written about Yu Qiuyu in an article. It is really because he had a huge influence in my middle school days. From now on, most of the influences are quite positive. As for the attacking remarks circulated on the Internet in recent years, most of them laughed it off. Yu himself said: “When they see money, sex, and power, they will have a criminal impulse, but what the society has set up is a series of moral models. , They have nowhere to vent their criminal impulses, they can only rely on fantasies or framing of celebrities. Therefore, Chinese celebrities must bear such psychological projection obligations for these people.”

The recent attack on Yu Qiuyu seems to have a lot to do with his “mob theory”. When the word “mob” came into view, I immediately recalled the many articles I had seen on the analysis of Chinese society and people. However, due to the age, it is difficult to find the original text for only a few words, so I only posted it below. Out of what can be found.

Regarding the mob theory, there is actually an alternative term—the mob theory. When it comes to the mob, many people may feel disgusted, and they often resist because they tend to think of the ants-like good people under the tyranny of the ruling class. But gangsters should be much easier to accept, and it is not a day or two that Chinese society is called a gangster society.

The so-called mob refers to a group of human beings gathered together with a homogeneous and uniform psychological consciousness. They reject rational and complex thinking, and simply choose two extremes for various opinions, ideas and beliefs provided to them, or accept them completely. , or reject it altogether as either absolute truth or absolute falsehood. As for Yu Qiuyu, people generally have only two kinds of mentality towards celebrities, especially Yu Qiuyu, who has been famous in the past. Either they think he is a good person and admire and look up to him; opportunity for justification.

There have been a lot of human flesh searches in China or, for example, the current movement-style pursuit of the death penalty. As early as a few years ago, Russian newspapers publicly published comments asking Russia to learn the lessons of China’s gangster society:

“This is like a revolution in Internet culture. People are rushing from virtual cyberspace to real life, passionately intervening in other people’s private lives. This can be called a major feature of China’s Internet life.” Russian media said, China Netizens are not stingy about executing XXX in the cruelest way. The rapid development of China’s Internet has also greatly changed the way information is disseminated. Public opinion on the Internet is involved in the real life of individuals, which is a kind of “entertainment mass movement.” “What’s the difference between that and the mob during the French Revolution?”

Perhaps the examples in real life, due to the involvement of too many complicated factors, tend to make people transfer all problems to the government in a logical manner, which is not so convincing, so the following paragraphs can be expressed more naturally It shows the essence of Chinese gangster society:

Leifeng Pagoda, a cultural relic building with a historical background of thousands of years and one of the ten scenic spots of the West Lake, because the common people say that the bricks of this pagoda can “ward off evil spirits” when brought home, so they secretly dug up the bricks of Leifeng Pagoda one after another. I moved home one after another. According to the people’s opinion: I just move a brick, which is not considered a crime. So, in the end, Leifeng Pagoda collapsed under such “collective unconscious crime” behavior, leaving no bones left! In Lu Xun’s works, the sudden collapse of Leifeng Pagoda was attributed to the contribution of each “common people”. Everyone was greedy for a little bit of money and carried a brick home, creating a tragedy. And if the whole people participate in this kind of “group crime”, I am afraid that it is not just a simple Leifeng Pagoda that will be toppled.

Throughout the dynasties, common people usually curse corrupt officials and power monopolies, because those people often have smoother channels than us to obtain benefits that they should not deserve. We often say: officials are black and ugly, while the people are innocent and kind-in fact, this is a self-deceiving rhetoric. As long as ordinary people gain some kind of power (even if it is temporary), when they have the opportunity to change the rules of the game, their group crimes and collective theft are no different from those of corrupt officials and corrupt elements, and they even behave more blatantly. , is even more frightening, because——everyone openly believes that they are not at fault. The people and the officials belong to the same group. And this group is the people of our country.

In the thinking of Chinese people today, the ten-year historical event from 1966 to 1976 has always been an ugly scar on the country and the nation (the Cultural Revolution). As an individual of every common man, he has reason to be full of righteous indignation towards this period of history. Almost all the people blame it on the leaders of the country, thinking that it is completely the evil result of individual centralization-this kind of argument is especially prevalent among the generation aged 40-60 today, they have become the dominant group in society today, naturally With the right to evaluate the past history.

However, this is precisely not the case. If it weren’t for the amazing destructive power of the Chinese group itself, if it wasn’t for the traditional psychology of suspicion, jealousy, and mutual adjustment among people, if it wasn’t for the group criminal thinking accumulated by our nation for thousands of years, I would It’s hard to believe that just relying on someone’s call can set off such a big wave? The inferiority of Chinese people’s “selective blindness” has once again been exposed: it is precisely people in the age group of 40-60, who, in the event that lasted for ten years, coincided with the angry youth of their youth—— It was them who starred in this tragedy. They used their destructive power and imagination by analogy, and made a classic debut performance of the inferiority of the entire nation.

Looking back, these young people in their 20s, like many angry young people on the Internet today, chanted “revolution”, “reformation” and “rebellion is justified”, full of resentment and provocation against everything about the current system, they Looks like no one, bites anyone. This group’s rebellion against their superiors and elders has evolved from “Wen Dou” big-character posters and “breaking the four olds” to “War Fighting” to smashing, looting, and ransacking homes. The Red Guards uphold the “radical is justice” Fanatical beliefs, destructive impact on state organs and government systems, especially when dealing with old revolutionaries and old comrades who fought in the country, these young people showed their inner viciousness to the fullest: kicking, insulting, shaving Dysentery as an insult to personality, wearing high hats, hanging stickers to parade in the streets, breaking into private houses to search, wantonly confiscating other people’s property… This is tantamount to a large-scale group crime, and the criminals even call it “justice”. “. Later on, churches were smashed, temples were smashed, graves were dug, cultural classics were burned, and cultural relics and historic sites were destroyed. Later victims gradually involved businessmen, upper-level democrats, famous writers, famous actors, and middle school teachers—and among them In addition, the Red Guards evolved representatives of different forces, “rebels”, “ultra-leftists”, and “conservatives”. It has become a gangster-style world of rivers and lakes.

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